Ministries and Groups

Baptismal Preparation
(Please contact the Parish Office for more information)

Marriage Preparation
(Please contact the Parish Office for more information)

Knight of Columbus:
Clayton Wright

Saint Philip Prayer Hit Team
This group has been established as a group of volunteers to pray for special intentions offered on our web site. When a prayer request is received, the group is emailed the request and asked to offer it in their daily prayers. For more information please contact the Parish Office.

St. Philip Prayer Shawl Ministry
They meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at St. Philip's Rectory. There is no cost for a prayer shawl. They can be requested from Carolann Hernberg at  860-487-0449 or

Pro-life Group

Donna Vertefeuille

Women’s Bible Study

Julie Saegaert

Adult Bible Study

Ed Conlan